∩(゚∀゚∩)age あげ
いい お金 一番 心 感じ 手 早く 母 気持ち 水 花 行く 言葉 話 仕事 家 お母さん ママ 同じ 子供 よく 写真 寝 目 顔 ねこ 彼女 見て いけない 一緒に 声 娘 子 本当に 良い 体 最後 お正月 人間 出来る 家族 息子 彼氏 多い 女性 相手 子ども 親 神様 先生 ID ご飯 入れて 桜 連れて 欲しい 凧 力 あげる 犬 行って 病気 理解 作って 買って あげたい あげたかった あげない あげなきゃ あげなければ あげました あげましょう あげます あげよう あげられた あげられない あげられなかった あげられます あげられる お年玉 教えて 褒めて 見せて 食べさせて 知ら 安全 隣人 飲み物 告知 無理 名無し 愛する 知り 話して 愛しましょう 聖書物語 愛し おそれ ホース 大声 2017年 レンタカー 心子 あげなさい 身内の人
∩(゚∀゚∩)age Twitter
- RT @ItsBouquet: "The rates of homelessness have increased for people aged under 18 since 2016, with the 17,646 children under the age of 12…r_quazzyがリツイート
- @Chrundl I’m dying on 4/20/69 at 86, same age as Tommy.
- RT @Iibradior: Lying my age wont do nothing to me i fear,and ty for the tweet omg priv media report will work hard, not that i care enough😭…95_jmchimがリツイート
- RT @MGliksmanMDPhD: At age 10, kids have up to 12 baby teeth & in #Australia can be jailed in solitary for up to 24hrs/day & held in an adu…DariusGuilfordがリツイート
- RT @ahmedshahrin: .@TouqeerSumbul a Young very talented actor. At the age of 15 she did worked with @ayushmannk with a great passion and su…sumbul_kiduniyaがリツイート
- RT @AaronBastani: 600 people were arrested over Thursday & the weekend, including a journalist, while the President unilaterally increased…KenJLThomsonがリツイート
- RT @Metropoles: Randolfe diz que Moro age com “mau-caratismo” ao politizar operação da PF Líder do governo no Congresso, Randolfe Rodrigue…DomCasmurro77がリツイート
- RT @catturd2: Why does Hunter call Joe Biden - Pedo Pete? Why did Ashley Biden write in her diary, which has now been confirmed as real, t…q_LaShondaがリツイート
- RT @fchollet: Asking if it's still worth learning to code in the age of AI is like asking if it's still worth learning to write in the age…AnnieLovelockがリツイート
- @gastrogirl I tend to have many scopes due to having EoD, but my last scope at age 45 did also find polyps for the… https://t.co/fNnFSVKmBG
- RT @catturd2: Why does Hunter call Joe Biden - Pedo Pete? Why did Ashley Biden write in her diary, which has now been confirmed as real, t…jsofaがリツイート
- @slutrifle @ViceLord26 we the same age ma wtw
- @quame_age He together with trainer scout failed us in 2022 Qatar or we should give him the benefit of doubt?
- RT @Phil_Lewis_: Content warning: This man’s mother had become a Twitter troll who relentlessly attacked the parents of Madeleine McCann, t…AtheistSpinsterがリツイート
- @ogeazisousa @rolealeatorio Rapaz, me falaram que é comum essas coisas aqui. Pelo menos dentro da U*FES kkkkk E a g… https://t.co/69XbPqi5RG
- RT @hasequoia: Markhyuck fewtweet au 🔞 ㅡwaktu duntik mau From : kepincut duda cantik CW // age switch , age gap , mention of nsfw https:/…podelokdelokがリツイート
- @FossGregfoss The tweet not going to age well for mr potato head
- RT @lizzieollxen: From age of ultron to multiverse of madness https://t.co/4Cmt1rRShpluscavsmundoがリツイート
- RT @tmiyatake1: Bill Gatesは人生で2回ほど本当に革命的なテクノロジーのデモを見たと語る。 一つ目は1980年にGUIを見たとき、二つ目は2022年にOpenAIが数ヶ月以内で大学レベルの試験を通れるAIを作った時。 生産性、ヘルスケア、環境、教育な…daichi_fjがリツイート
- RT @InternetRadical: Costin Alamariu or "Bronze Age Pervert" is a ✡️ Zionist who was mentored by JINSA member David Sidorsky and studies un…iamjwm_がリツイート
- Ye londa age leke jayega, dhande ko Andho me kana Raja, par ye Raja kana nhi Ek din panne fad dunga, agar bagheera… https://t.co/AQYFaOxY6F
- RT @fasc1nate: An 8-mile long "canvas" discovered in the Amazon Rainforest. It contains ice age drawings of long-extinct animals. https://t…NickBatehがリツイート
- RT @QuaiNetwork: ⛏️ Miners, do you have your GPUs ready? ⛏️ The upcoming Iron Age Testnet will be the first-ever live implementation of Pr…vyaswelcome4がリツイート
- @haz3m_ @AlbertsStuff @KreekCraft @Chaseroony @shimhaq @OlixYT @ProjectSupremee Mad to think your the same age as me. Well done lad
- me vs flirting with every human species that’s my same age whether or not they’re my type
- Hoboken best skin ailments cure. Skin disorders fix dark spots age spots sun spots acne scars moles freckles liver… https://t.co/lgk6XnUNDC
- @filmmurphys @_JustBecky_ 1st of all ageing does not equal rotting and guess what we all age including you, You lik… https://t.co/nHGwmItjGp
- RT @nytimes: Mr. Pickles, a critically endangered species of tortoise at the Houston Zoo, finally became a father at the age of 90. He and…tjcarltonRHSがリツイート
- RT @NewsAtuall: Polícia Federal age rápido e impede plano mortal do PCC https://t.co/M6PMpd5oqiRitadeC12815685がリツイート
- @XerShade @ErinInTheMorn Eh, I still don't know how I feel about it, especially since transitioning is a life-chang… https://t.co/LvmpQvPWEy